WordPress defect breaking direct links to articles (fixed now)

Just realized that my WordPress seem to break the direct (perma) links to articles. Until I figure it out and fix it please scroll down from the main page (this page) to get to the article you are looking for).

+30 min, OK, I fixed the issue, it was (my guess) linked to my change in .htaccess to force SSL to the site. I had to revert the change as it probably interfered with WordPress URL rewrite rules and I’ll need to review everything to make the SSL redirect compatible with WordPress redirects.

So, at the moment please type https://romeolupascu.net/… instead of http://romeolupascu.net/, both SSL and non SSL URLs will work at the moment. However without SSL what you see may be intercepted by a “man-in-the-middle” type of attack on you.