What would happen if you give a monkey a machine-gun?

Carl Sagan talking about the danger of marring more and more advanced technologies with very little or no understanding of the technology background by the masses.
Was he right? I thing he was. Arthur Clarke observed that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is undistinguishable from magic”. Which means that for most of the people out there science and technology is magic, this allows religious fanatics to attack science by brainwashing the very people using the technology. And at the top of the magic hill are the computers… We have to take computers out of the magic by simplifying them and making them understandable by everyone, or the future may not be ours.

All human beings make mistakes, and we are all human, how blind love leads to death

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
Author: Mark Twain

The road to hell is paved only with good intentions.
Author: Unknown

It take a village to raise a child.
Author: Unknown

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We all think “I had nothing to do with it” if you think so think again, if you don’t you are an indirect enabler of violence…

Paris I stand with you

Have no Fear!, Fear leads to hate and hate leads to suffering”. My hart goes out for all people hurting now in Paris and all over the world.

We can’t change the past or even the present but we can change the future. Fear is born from lack of quality information and quality information is only born from deep listening and understanding of our peers. Ignorance is not bliss is death. We can’t afford ignorance no more.


Pope Francis

Pope Francis. I pray for for him from all my hart to succeed in convincing people that love and inclusiveness “Is The Way”.

Even though, I don’t side with the organized religion for the same reasons I don’t side with any political parties, I’m impressed on the effort Pope Francis makes to straight our twisted current ways, all focussed on short term and small group gains. He does need all the help from God and us all to succeed, because what he fights is almost impossible to fight, to convince people to balance their focus to include more of the long term impact of their actions and and full societal (Earth level) wealth. In this case I see wealth as more (way more) than just money…


Why do we die?

Just reading this excellent book of history of science and knowledge called “The upright thinkers” by Leonard Mlodinov and read what Max Plank thought about revolutionary new ideas. Plank said “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and new generation grows up that is familiar with it“.

This resonates with some of my own observations about how human mind works. A child mind is like a fluid, just prepared, cement mixture, getting more like a set cement stone as we age. We get to be stony and unable to adapt. This gets so bad that in the end both the body and the mind becomes a drag to the current reality and the universe simply discards us.

Interesting is that in the bible, Jesus says that God expects us to be like children. I’m pretty sure he (or they if he was invented) was thinking of the same phenomena of low adaptivity as we age. On the bright side this shows though also the the path to the immortality… You guess, stay adaptive, meaning you have to be able to drop all you know and embrace new ideas if they prove to explain how the reality works!

The other observation is that all conservatory ideals seem (at least for now) deemed to fail. Simply the universe can’t be stopped from changing, we have to adapt or end up in the garbage.

What really matters, Have you found joy in your life? Have your life brought joy to others?

We ask ourselves at least once in our lives why are we here and what really matters. There are rivers of written words on this subject so I’d hate to add more stuff on it. But I found this explanation in an unusual palace and it stuck with me. I’d like to share it as it wormed my hart and gave me a direction in the jungle of life.

In the movie “The Bucket List” Morgan Freeman’s middle class character asks Jack Nicholson’s rich character two questions. He says that “The ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death, when their soul got to the entry to heaven the God asked them two questions. Their answers to the questions determined if they were admitted or not. The questions were:
— Have you found Joy in your life?  
— Have your life brought joy to others?

Just finished reading “The Narcissist Next Door” by Jeffrey Kluger

I’ve started reading the book before the US elections started. Now after I’ve finished it I seem to get a better understanding of the current dynamics of the campaign as I’m looking at it from a new perspective. If you wonder what’s going on just read the first few pages on amazon.com (those are free) and yes I recommend you buy it and read it if you are a US citizen. I think it will pay off.

I have the feeling that “Mr. Dobbs” will once again get very close to the high office and for the same reason… 🙂

RIP: John Nash, another “Beautiful Mind” gone

John Nash and his wife Alicia have died in a car accident.
I’ve learned about Jon Nash and his accomplishments in mathematics and game theory from the Hollywood movie “A Beautiful Mind” as many other of us.
That is why I’ll use some of the scenes I found favorite and touching. Of course the movie introduce images of actions which never happened exactly like that in the reality, but that is not the point. The point is to make the deep thoughts this man acquired about our reality available to all of us, a window and a chance to understand them and to help build better lives for each of us.

The scene from the movie where Nash gets the idea about effects of collaborative actions in the game theory or “Nash Equilibrium”

The “Pen ceremony” (didn’t really happen but is a touching event in the movie)

And The Real Jon Nash