My hero from law enforcement business

After (re) awakening to a crude reality of the injustice in the justice system, finally a break, one giving us hope, hope that we can hold our humanity high in most dreading conditions.

I’m saying re-awakening since I’ve seen first hand, back in the communist regime of Romania, what the injustice of the justice can be, and one of the reasons I’ve emigrated to Canada was the better justice system the occidental countries built over time. I still believe (or hope) I was not wrong.

Please view (or review) this CNN article and video on a US Richmond
Officer Jesse Kidder which did the right thing and shown a high regard for life in distress. This shows that officers do not have jobs like all of us. They have dangerous jobs which outline this: not any person can or should be a first line officer holding a gun and ready to take lives. We need people which can and will put their own life on the line to save another no matter if that entity cooperates or not. Second, for this type of high stake job I totally subscribe to pay these people much better. I want to know that when an officer points the gun at me (hopefully never) that he or she will only be motivated by high morale stakes and not by the need to “make a quota” for the day or simply chicken out or even worse “snap” an my (temporary) bad behaviour or mental state.

Unfortunately we see more and more evidence of some officers taking the stance of a “Rambo” or “Judge Dredd” type of characters, which tend to take short cuts and be all the justice system at once, (Cop,  Judge, Jury, and Executioner) all in a fraction of a second. This is a best recipe for disasters on both sides, as I’m sure you can’t take a life without being impacted. Someone being able to do so is a mental disordered killer having no place in this society let aside police.

I was stunned to see “experts” called by CNN to weight in on Officer Jesse bold action, saying he should have shot that person! This is scary, really scary, that these type of thoughts can exists in the minds of the people which you’d expect to cherish life as they market themselves as “life protectors”. Think of why all the Police cruisers have (or had at some point) the slogan “to serve and protect“? On that register I’d suggest making the slogan more precise as in “to serve and protect all life“. How about that? I’d be more than happy to have well paid high morale person working to protect life instead of the narrow view of “law enforcement”. I’m saying that because we have too much history of laws which were (and some are today) morally wrong which only serve narrow interests of the few being able to sweep those laws under the scrutiny of the overall society.

Until now we have been technically unable to solve those issues, as they need mastering a very difficult form of communication, the “many to many” case. Yet with the rise of the new information technologies we can now address this issue frontally and choose to build a better future!


Safe flying with Automation

Another 150 souls vanished in little pieces on the slopes of a mountain. Can we prevent such things in future? I believe so and here is how.

All new modern airliners can be flown automatically from take-of to landing. The pilots are there for backup reasons and mostly to alleviate our fear of machines (too intelligent machines maybe). So, how can we use this capabilities without alienating people and with high effectiveness.

We can use the idea of “kill switch” which other industries use where when something bas is spotted you can hit a button to stop a process or in this case to start one.

The main issue in those case is that you can never rely 100% on people. Ill minds can be anywhere as this disaster shown, passengers can go rogue, crew can go rogue and ground personnel can also go rogue. The only way we can solve this is to have anyone, I mean anyone on the plane as passenger, crew member of ground personnel be able to hit a “kill switch” and when that happens the aircraft computers will go in a “land on one of the closest known (pre programmed)” airports and until the aircraft is not safe on the runway nothing in the world can change that in any way.

The aircraft automation will simply land the plane and all the controls on board of the aircraft will simply be ineffective until the aircraft has safely landed on the runway.

The aircraft will send continuously its position parameters and intent to its ground personnel and new destination airport.

Looks a simple use case, but due to the current “psychology” of man must dominate machines some changes should be done to the aircraft in order to allow full automated flights.

Keep in mind that this system must be a specialized one to do one and one thing only, detect a abnormality in the flight path, or being “hinted” by the “kill switch” in order to take over and do a single task only, safely land the aircraft. From the moment it is triggered nothing in the world will be able to disable it or influence it in any way until the aircraft is safely on the ground.

Of course there will be resistance on such a system but I personally feel better if it would exists in the flight I’m on and there is a button just next to my seat which if I push I can get safely on the ground. and yes that will cost me a lot of money but not my life!


Emergency Automated Landing? or EAL?

About Gemanwings disaster: The Guardian

What it takes to be a leader…

Today my wife and I watched on YouTube the presentation from Simon Sinek about leadership (see bellow).

I found it very well thought and wanted to share it as it resonate with a lot of my own convictions in this area.

This presentation will help one to discriminate between “boss” or “manager” and Leader.

Funny but one can be a boss without being a leader. This realization surprised me and I was finally able to understand those wired feeling I had in the past when dealing with some of my former bosses.

A Fractal Reality

For some time scientists found more and more proof that the universe we live in seem to have a “Fractal nature”, but what is a fractal anyway?

From Wikipedia: “A fractal is a mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns”.

Wolfram Science: A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales.

If you look at a tree then you can see that its branches look like smaller versions of the tree itself. The new born have common characteristics with their parents like, they have same number of limbs similar shape etc…

Here is how Wolfram Science defines a fractal:

And here is the Wikipedia definition:

And of course there is a Fractal Foundation:

One important characteristic of fractal structures is that they can be built by using very simple rules repeated again and again…

Even though one may think so, Fractals does not necessary imply infinities as the process of generation can be stopped at any level.

Bellow is an excellent example of what “pure mathematical fractals” may look like. The movie was generated by a computer (just pure calculations in a machine) by using a mathematical structure called the Mandelbrot Set after the name of the mathematician who studied it first.

Or this 3D model of the same type of mathematical structure:

This is the second pillar on my model of reality.
The first pillar is the Many dimensions of the Universe.
I hope that this model of the universe may allow for reconciliation between Science and other ways people now use to deal with the reality.